How to Find a Job Coach That’s Right for You

Make the best and most informed choice as possible

Picking an Employment Services Provider can be tough, especially if you don’t know the questions to ask to make the best possible, most informed choice. There are several things to consider to before committing your time and energy to a provider.

1. What services do you offer?

This question is important to ask because, while companies may offer general “employment services” they may not be exactly what you need. For example, one company may provide a computer and special resources for your job search, but they may not help with resume and cover letter development. Other services may include: career exploration, work adjustment training, job development, independent living skills, and job placement. Make sure to clarify exactly what you can expect to gain from their services to ensure that you are getting what you need from their program.

2. What do you specialize in?

While certain companies may have a lot to offer, check to see what their bread and butter is. Target companies that specialize in the services or industries that you want.

3. What is a recent success story?

This is good question to ask to see how involved and active the company is with their clients. They should be able to cite a story quickly; if they have to hunt for one or think too hard, chances are you should steer clear.

4. Can you describe your company culture/work style?

By having them describe their style, you find out what you can expect day to day. Someone who describes their job coaching as flexible, customized, and open is much differently than structured and plan-based. Listen to the words they use and determine if you think it will be a good match for your personality, lifestyle, and how you work.

How to find a job coach that's right for you

5. How involved are you in helping clients during the employment process?

Some job coaches work along side you and are there every step of the way (like DK Advocates), and some check in only every couple of weeks, leaving some people feeling lost. Make sure you know what you can expect from your job coach before starting.

6. What do I need to qualify to start?

Some programs are not available to the general public and need authorizations through state funded programs such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Mercy Maricopa, or Simpatico. Make sure you check into this make sure you can have access before making a decision.

7. Where are you located? Do I have to commute to you?

This is a big one! The ideal company might be across town, but can you get their consistently on a regular basis?  If it is too far for you, make sure to follow up with the second question and ask if they can meet you closer to where you live. Some job coaches are happy to accommodate.

You can also plan your ride ahead of time to have safety of mind and get there on time.

What can a job coach do for you?

8. What will be my schedule / how often will we meet?

Making sure you find a service that fits into your schedule is key. You need to be able to commit to your job coach as much as they commit to you. Missing appointments means setting back your goals and missing information (or even opportunities!).

9. What sets you apart from other providers?

This question gives your contact the opportunity to fill in any other blanks that haven’t already been mentioned yet. It will give you an inside look as to any additional bonus opportunities available to you by choosing them. Do they have any partnerships in the community? Do they host free workshop for you to have access to? Do they have the fastest placement metrics? Find out what makes them unique.

We hope this guide helps you feel more prepared for choosing an employment services provider. By asking these questions before committing will ensure you get the best possible experience during your journey to successful employment.

What additional things would you look for? 

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